My fauvorite books is the trilogy of foundation, foundation e empire and second foundation this trilogy was write for Isaac azimov. he was born in petrovivhi (Rusia) in 1920. I like this author because the history of the book foundation is very good. this book talk about of a planet called trantor, this planet is the core of the galaxy, because all activities like economy, politics, education, administration and management is concentrated in this planet. then, Hari seldon ia a phicohistory that speak with the emperor and saids the empire in the future will be destroyed because lack of creativity, innovation, moral laxity and a poor science development.
then hari seldom going to limit of galaxy because here they can saved the galaxy, but Hari Seldon created two foundations in diferent places of the galaxy and the most entertaiment any foundation know to the other foundation because is dangerous for the Plan of Hari Seldom.
but Hari Sekdom die, so his followers are the responsible of make the homework. but 500 years after the empire will fall in the hands of the Mulo, this character can mind control of the people in all galaxy, but he knows that the foundation is live, then he wants destroy the foundation, however the foundation knows that can be destroy for the mulo so they be hide in other galaxy.
in the other hand, the mulo don't know that joined the separatist for defeat, spite of the foundation located in the Anacronte planet surrenders , but the second foundation atack to Mulo and take control of the galaxy and defet and the separatist.
the first move of the foundation in the power, is open the university and science developmet for built the empire again, with this the peace arrive to the galaxy.
I read this book because my brother I told me that this book I would like it, so I sarted to read this book the last summer
and enjoyed this book because I love this kind of book.
My favourite Asimov book is this one: